Requesting Accommodations
An individual wishing to request an accommodation is responsible for making this request. While they need not use any specific language or submit the request in writing, they must provide sufficient information to the University indicating a disability-related accommodation is being requested.
Anyone needing assistance with requests for accommodations, including employees, students, visitors, managers, and HR representatives, are encouraged to contact the University’s centralized Disability Equity Office. We can help facilitate the process and answer questions about your specific situation.
As of January 2, 2024, the Disability Equity Office has transitioned to a new database called Accommodate, which will increase our ability to serve the University of Michigan community. Requestors will receive notification of approval or denial, with any instructions for next steps, within five business days.
Community Members & Students
U-M Employees with Single Sign On (SSO)
Additional Requests
- Log directly into your Accommodate case file.
- If you do not have a University of Michigan login, please email our team at [email protected] and we will assist you with submitting your additional request.
Upon receiving a request for accommodations, the University is encouraged to promptly engage in the interactive process with the requesting individual. Who you identify as determines your interactive process and next steps:
Employee and Applicant Accommodations
Employee and Applicant Accommodations
It is entirely up to an individual with a disability whether, when, or how they disclose their disability. However, in order to request an accommodation, enough information must be provided to the University regarding the disability, how it impacts an individual’s work or participation, and what accommodations might be effective.
Similar to the decision to disclose a disability, the decision to request an accommodation is also entirely up to the disabled individual. Faculty and staff are never required, forced to request, or accept, accommodations. That being said, employees are encouraged to request accommodations before they experience any work performance problems if they are concerned that their disability might impact their performance.
Interactive Process
Upon receiving a request for accommodations, the university is encouraged to promptly engage in the interactive process with the requesting individual.
One of the primary and initial steps in this process is communicating with the individual to understand any barriers they may be experiencing (such as issues with the environment, how the work is done, or specific tasks that are required), as well as identifying potential reasonable accommodations, or accommodation alternatives, that may be effective to address the barriers described. Consultation with both helpful internal and external resources, not limited to MHealthy Medical Ergonomics Office and Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS), are available as well.
In addition to discussing any barriers or accommodation suggestions, individuals may be asked as part of the process for requesting accommodations to provide medical documentation that provides sufficient support for:
- the disability
- any restrictions, limitations, or barriers the employee may experience as a result of the disability
- any accommodation suggestions the health care provider may have
Medical documentation can be provided directly to a HR representative or the Disability Equity Office, that, when received, will be kept in a secure and private file that is separate from the faculty or staff member’s personnel records.
In addition, if a faculty or staff member is on leave for more than 10 days, then the employee will be eligible to open a claim with Work Connections. Work Connections provides assistance through employee recovery from conditions that result in leave and helps facilitate their return to work. Through this process, Work Connections can collect the employee’s medical documentation and will communicate only what their supervisor/manager/HR representative needs to know.
Determining Reasonableness
The University is responsible for providing reasonable accommodations. This process can include discovering and evaluating the essential and marginal functions of the individual’s role. While each process is an individualized and case-by-case assessment, it is important to note that in all cases, the disabled employee must be able to perform those essential functions of their job, with or without an accommodation. If a particular accommodation is considered unreasonable, an alternative accommodation may be considered and explored with the employee. These accommodations may be different than the accommodations suggested or preferred by the faculty or staff member; however, such alternatives may be offered so long as they are effective.
An accommodation might be considered unreasonable if:
- it would impose an undue burden,
- would pose a direct threat to health or safety, or
- would require the modification of essential functions of a job or fundamental requirements of a program.
An assessment of reasonableness will likely include discussions with an employee’s unit, HR, and other stakeholders.
Implementation and Ongoing Monitoring of Accommodations
There can be several outcomes via the interactive process.
Usually the culmination of the interactive process will result in the creation of an Official Accommodation Plan emailed to the employee and other need to know stakeholders (i.e., Unit, HR) for documentation and record-keeping of what reasonable accommodations have been agreed upon and approved for implementation. Similarly, any other outcomes or relevant information will be documented.
Alternatively, if a reasonable and effective accommodation is declined (which is an employee’s right), employees are still responsible for their work performance and conduct. Should the work performance or conduct decline or become unsatisfactory, the University may address the issue through performance evaluations, discipline, and other avenues as it would with any other faculty or staff member in that situation.
If interested in requesting or discussing employment accommodations, please contact your appropriate HR representative or the University’s centralized Disability Equity Office by using the Contact/Request page or emailing [email protected].
Student Academic Accommodations
Student Academic Accommodations
If a student wishes to appeal Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office’s determination on an academic accommodation, they should follow the “Steps to Addressing and Resolving an Accommodation Concern” on the Accommodation Appeals Process page.
Graduate Student Employment Accommodations
Graduate Student Employment Accommodations
Graduate student employees interested in workplace accommodations may submit their request using the employee single sign-on Accommodate login or email the Disability Equity Office. In addition, each unit has an administrative designee who may be able to provide graduate student employees access to additional resources.
Graduate students seeking academic accommodations should contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).
Athletic Event Attendees
Athletic Event Attendees
The University of Michigan has established policies and procedures to ensure accessible participation and attendance, and an overall great game day experience, for persons with disabilities at our athletic events and venues.
- Accessible game day experience information by specific venue:
- Accessible seating/ticketing
Helpful information can be found on the Michigan Stadium Wheelchair Accessible Seating page or by contacting the Michigan Athletic Ticket Office directly at 1-866-296-6849 or [email protected]. - Accessible parking and transportation
Helpful information can be found on the via Michigan Stadium Guide for Guests with a Disability or by contacting the Athletic Guest Services Office directly at 734-647-1218 or [email protected]. - Bringing of accessibility items/aids
- Athletics Special Permissions Form
- Service animals are allowed entrance to U-M athletic venues and events with their owner/handler.
- Feedback and experiences
The University of Michigan welcomes your comments and concerns regarding the accessibility of our campus, including our athletic venues and events, for persons with disabilities. Please feel free to contact the University’s centralized Disability Equity Office with your feedback by calling (734) 763-0235, emailing [email protected].
Visitors, guests, customers, and members of the public have the opportunity to request accommodations to ensure an accessible University of Michigan experience. Visitors are encouraged to request any accommodations prior to any event or trip. Initial requests should be directed to the event organizer, the venue management, or other customer contact.
If visitors require assistance or have additional questions about their request, they are encouraged to contact the Disability Equity Office via our Contact/Request page or by contacting us at [email protected].
Patients of University of Michigan Health/Michigan Medicine have the ability to request accommodations to ensure an equitable and accessible healthcare experience. Patients and other hospital visitors are encouraged to contact their care provider or clinic and request accommodations prior to any appointments.
If patients or visitors require assistance or have additional questions about their accommodation request, they are encouraged to contact the Disability Equity Office via our Contact/Request or by contacting us at [email protected].
Additional information for patients can also be found via the U-M Patient & Visitor Guide.