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Digital Accessibility

There are many ways individuals and units on campus can strive to provide a more digitally accessible experience.

Request Training/Report Barriers

Digital accessibility involves designing, creating, and maintaining media, websites, applications, and documents so they can be used by the broadest possible audience of people with disabilities, including those individuals who use assistive technology. Digital accessibility initiatives should be proactively implemented and address individual requests for improvement by people with disabilities.

There are many ways individuals and units on campus can strive to provide a more digitally accessible experience, such as by incorporating the Standard Practice Guide (SPG) 601.20. Each individual unit has responsibility for technology their unit uses, develops, or procures. If seeking guidance, ECRT can assist units with developing strategies, supports, and staffing solutions to address their obligations related to SPG 601.20 and applicable laws and regulations.

To work with the digital information accessibility coordinator please use our Contact/Request page.

ECRT can assist with:

  • Consultation (standards, strategy, structure, staffing, etc.)
  • Review of existing resources
  • Review/remediation action plans of procured resources
  • Training/education
  • User support/assistance (people with disabilities and advocates may point out barriers, whether they are specific applications, events, programs, or policies)
  • Referral to appropriate unit

Additional guidance and supportive resources are also available on which includes information related to policies, procedures, and practical guidance, and resources on how to meet our obligations related to digital/EIT accessibility.