How Does It Work?
Interested individuals meet with the adaptable resolution facilitator to determine whether adaptable resolution may meet their needs. Potential participants can explore their goals, concerns, questions, ideal outcomes, and preferred process in a confidential consultation without committing to participate.
What Can The Process Look Like?
The process is highly adaptable and is based on the needs of the people involved. The process can, but does not have to, involve face-to-face interactions with other participants. Whether the focus is more on the process or outcomes is up to the participants involved. It can take the form of one or more multiple formats.
The most commonly used Adaptable Resolution processes are:
- Facilitated Dialogue: A structured and facilitated conversation between two or more individuals. Depending on interests, the participants may sometimes work towards the development of a shared agreement, although working towards an agreement is not always the intended outcome.
- Restorative Circle Process: A structured and facilitated process where individuals who have experienced harm or conflict can come together to engage in dialogue about the harm and how it may be repaired. This process may include individuals who recognize their contribution to harm and take responsibility for repairing it. A circle may also include multiple members of a community to explore direct and indirect impact on the wider community. Participants must be in agreement on all who will be present.
- Restorative Shuttle Process: A negotiated agreement between participants facilitated via a process wherein the participants do not meet together, but instead meet separately with a facilitator to discuss perspectives, experiences, and interests while working towards meeting needs. This facilitated process does not require direct interaction between participants.
Example 1: Participants might focus on entering into a resolution agreement via a shuttle negotiation that then concludes with a facilitated dialogue.
Example 2: Participants want to focus on the terms of a resolution agreement where they make requests of the other person to engage in reparative actions.
Example 3: Participants want to talk to the other person or people involved and ask questions or share impact, and they may not make any formal action requests of the other person.