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Presentations & Trainings

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Join us for upcoming Disability Equity Office workshop series.

Our presentations and trainings are posted on our Youtube channel. The videos are also listed below organized by topics with links to the individual videos and PowerPoints presentations when applicable.

Short Form Presentations

What is a Workplace Accommodation?

The Disability Equity Office Accessibility Specialists provide definitions and examples of accommodations and the process for requesting and implementing them.

Defining and Determining Reasonableness

Learn more about how accessibility specialists identify types of accommodations that can be considered reasonable and what can make an accommodation unreasonable.

Identifying Accommodations Using the Job Accommodation Network

A demonstration of the many beneficial features of JAN when searching for accommodations that may be supportive, learning more about a condition, and understanding how a condition can impact an employee in the workplace.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM 2024)

Introduction to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


Digital Accessibility